I am delighted to announce that Visual Narratives, the online course I created with Fibre Arts Take Two goes on sale this Friday - the 28th July. To express your interest and be notified when this course is on sale please click on the link which will take you to the Fibre Arts Take Two relevant page.
Watermarks, detail, 2023 . part of a group of work created from my time in Wales last year.
About this course (from the FATT website)
“Fine Artist Sally Tyrie is ready to share her signature methods used to create her stunning works of art with you through her new online course with Fibre Arts Take Two.
Your training will begin with researching and examining areas of interest, before revealing ways of reimagining mark-making and collage from Sally’s considered and painterly approach. Use various print techniques without a press, including gelli plate, photo litho and collograph printing whilst learning to abstract visual narratives from any source of inspiration to create an ambitious body of work.
Students will feel like they are invited into Sally’s world for an intimate workshop & deep dive into her processes and techniques whilst experiencing both urban and coastal landscapes that inform and inspire her work.
All course materials, including self-paced beautifully filmed streaming videos and comprehensive resource guides, are within an easy to use member portal and yours to access and revisit at any time.
Join a worldwide community of enrolled students who come together in a private online forum and share printmaking adventures directly with Sally Tyrie. Ask questions, bounce ideas, share knowledge and benefit from this course being your resource for life!
Watermarks, Print and stitch, 2023. For a group of work from the Mawdadch Residency.
This is the 2nd release of this course and the cart will be open fro approx 2 weeks.
There is a limited number of places available.
As part of this course, which includes approx 10 hours of short beautifully filmed and detailed videos and tutorials, you will be invited to join an optional online Facebook closed group. This is to share your insights, ongoing discoveries get support and advice. We (myself and the FATT team ) support your studies by checking in online. We aim to pop online each day but of course there may be some days when that’s not possible — eg;; im dancing at a certain upcoming huge music Festival !! ! :))
There are also from time to time some live question and answer sessions.
All in all a very generously supported course.
A not very flattering image of me behind the scenes of filming - but i kinda like it :)
Angela from Fibre Arts Take Two and myself out and about capturing some harbour views for filming.
At the start of the course you are encouraged to identify an area of interest that will inform your drawings, prints and mixed media work so we take you out to various locations and you get to see how I collect inspiration and what I then do with these drawings and photos when i’m back in the studio.
This is very much about finding your voice and taking you into exploration.
Pastel drawing, 2023.
It was such a joy chatting online to the students, who signed up for the course last year, and seeing what they made. Here are a few of the feedback comments about the course, that came our way.
“The course content is excellently thought through and packed with information. Sally presented in a friendly and professional way through a series of concise and clear videos. All the content is made available at the point of registration, allowing one to work selectively and at a pace that suits. The Facebook group provided great support and encouragement for sharing explorations, as well as being a great place to ask questions. Sally’s course has given me so much confidence to build on my photographic skills through play and exploration. I now have a much clearer understanding of what it means to have a line of enquiry. Go for it! There will be no regrets! “ K. Williamson.“Learning with Sally was a great experience and a thoroughly enjoyable one. I have learned some new skills, which work alongside others learnt on a previous FATT course and I look forward to using them in my work going forward. Using the skills learnt on Sally’s course will help in approaching a project in new and different ways. Photography had been something I used to use a lot when at college but it had fallen out of my skill set, so it is good to relearn to use it as a starting point and as part of the resolution of a project. I can see that in future, many things that I have learnt will be put to good use! Don’t hesitate! Do the course. FATT courses are simply great, making online learning a very enjoyable experience. “ L. Milan
For me the most important part of Sally’s teaching was how to develop a meaningful body of work. I enjoyed every aspect of the course including the input of the amazingly supportive and knowledgeable artists within the Facebook group. Story is an important element of my work, this course helped me to clarify how to develop that further. If you are looking for a course which can add depth and meaning to your work you’ve found it. N. Slack.
Register your interest and be informed as soon as this course goes on release here .