This October I’ll be joining 27 other members of Portsmouth Printmakers to showcase our current work. The beautiful Jack House Gallery in Old Portsmouth will play host to our work which will include Screenprint, Lino print, Collagraph, Book work, Monoprint, Etching. We have lots of new members and many will be exhibiting as part of the membership for the first time. The exhibition is on for two weeks and there will be a Printmaker member invigilating each day.
Portsmouth Printmakers Instagram link
October will be a busy month as Fibre Arts Take Two will also be realising my online course. It has been so rewarding and fascinating working with them and I am excited and rather nervous to see how it all looks on screen. I must admit that I don’t like seeing myself on camera.. gulp !!
During filming week - working with Fibre Arts Take Two - for my online signature course.
We feel confident that the course will be a beautiful way to delve deeper into how I work and an invaluable way to learn if you can’t get along to an actual on site course with me.
At the end of the month - on the 22nd and 23rd October - I’ll be doing a Two day Printmaking Course at Portsmouth Printmakers studio. This will focus on some of my favourite techniques that combine photography and printmaking. This course can be booked via the Makers Guild Website. places are limited to 6.